Our ‘Unofficial Deaf Club’.

A BSL (British Sign Language) group grace us with their presence almost daily here at Thyme Out. Over time we have gotten to know Rachael, Joe, Suzanna, Amanda & Marcus very well, we have gotten to know each other so understand their needs, along with a little BSL to get us by.

Rachael was the first to visit Thyme Out and recommended it to the group. They love the nicely decorated, bright & comfortable atmosphere, not to mention the great breakfast, and have awarded us with a title of ‘Unofficial Deaf Club’.

Being hearing impaired can be lonely & isolating. Employment is tricky too, implications on employers insurance and difficult working environments are big obstacles. However 3 of the group have been lucky enough go find employment.

BSL is important within the UK, it’s something that we believe should be further invested in to support training and education for businesses and the public alike. Currently Exeter is the only BSL school in the South West which is sadly about to be demolished. The closest BS school to Devon would then be London or Yorkshire. The BSL group that grace us met in 1971 in the Exeter School (BSL department) and became more than friends, they became a family.

For further information on BSL, courses and a fun ‘sign of the day’ visit https://www.british-sign.co.uk/